
My Dream: Seconds Before Sunrise on Goodreads & Extras

Happy Friday!

Today is a REALLY exciting day for me because I’m sharing two new things regarding Seconds Before Sunrise. First, we’re on Goodreads. You’ll be able to see a shortened synopsis until December 1. Then you’ll see the cover as well as the full synopsis. Add it to your Goodreads bookshelf today! (Who knows? You might be chosen to be a beta reader. Hint. Hint.)

But onto the extra:

As many of you know, The Timely Death Trilogy is based on a series of dreams I had from the ages of 14 to 16. I was going through a very dark time in my life when I started having dreams of a young man visiting me. He’d simply talk about my life, ask me what I was going to do, and then disappear. But it felt very real. In fact, it felt so real that, at some point, I truly felt like I might have been going insane. However, I got through this point in my life, and that’s when the dreams stopped. I found myself missing the midnight visitations, and I decided to create a story based off of them.

This is where things get funny.

I wrote Seconds Before Sunrise first. This book will have dream sequences in it, showing many of the dreams that I had. This is why I wanted to share an actual excerpt from my journal during this time in my life. You are about to read a diary entry, written about these events on December 28, 2005:

“I dreamt of him last night.

The actual journal this entry can be found in
The actual journal this entry can be found in

He was sitting on the edge of my bed. His hands were folded in his lap, and he muttered everything he said. We barely touched. And his eyes—I couldn’t stand the look in them. It was like he’d made some sort of self-sacrifice, signed a deal with internal torture, and it was something he could barely stand, let alone speak about.

When he did speak to me, he only told me to be careful—that he didn’t want me to get hurt. And, for a moment, I knew it was because he’d already been hurt and he didn’t want the same for me.

It’s peculiar really…to obsess over his protection when it was only a dream. He’s only a dream. And I have to remind myself of that before he feels real, before he becomes real.

This dream is truly and utterly impossible—a mere fantasy of the cruelest, selfish, intentions.”

When I went back to read this entry, the irony made me laugh out loud. I guess he became real, and I’m the one who did it–by writing The Timely Death Trilogy.

It’s an exciting time! I cannot wait for the cover reveal on December 1, the release on March 22, and to get to know more readers. Thank you for supporting me.

Please take a moment to add Seconds Before Sunrise to your Goodreads bookshelf today. And, while you’re there, enter for a chance to win a signed copy of Minutes Before Sunset.

Have a great weekend,


36 thoughts on “My Dream: Seconds Before Sunrise on Goodreads & Extras

  1. Wait, is there also another book following Seconds Before Sunrise?

    Or did I miss something? Was it Hours Before Brunch or something? Just double checking. 🙂

  2. Wow, I loved hearing about how you got the idea for your trilogy! How exciting! I don’t know if you believe in angels, but maybe he was your guardian angel comforting you in your darkest time. Just a thought…

    I can’t wait to read it and thanks again for this great announcement! 🙂

    1. It’s funny you say that, Mrs. N! I have often wondered what/who he was myself, and, yes, guardian angel is in one of those top theories. I also think maybe my mind simply created a person to protect myself since I couldn’t do it by myself. After all, minds are powerful things. Thank you for commenting,

  3. My series also came from a dream, but nothing like this. Wow! Maybe he was your Spirit Guide? It’s interesting to think about. Your books sound awesome and unique 🙂

    1. Most my novels also come from dreams 😀 But I have to admit that this series of dreams was very strange–more realistic in the since that there was a possibility, even in insanity, than any of the others I had or have had since. Maybe he was a Spirit Guide! I like to believe he was real in some sort of way. If you decide to check out Minutes Before Sunset, I hope you enjoy it!

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