Publishing Advice · Writing Tips

Why Similar Ideas Shouldn’t Deter Your Writing Journey

As aspiring writers, it’s not uncommon to find ourselves overwhelmed by doubt and hesitation, especially when we stumble upon a book that seems eerily similar to our beloved WIP. In fact, this happened to me recently. I had 20,000 words of a story written and a full outline when I started reading a book that had a similar concept. At first, I felt silly for even attempting to write my story. The one I was reading was snappier and already very popular. Then again, of course it was. It’s already published. Mine is a first draft. I talked myself out of giving up my WIP and I kept reading. 

Though the first three chapters had similar concepts, they quickly diverged from each other, and my nerves settled down. I realized that of course our stories would have similar aspects; we are retelling the same source material. (In this case, retelling of lore.) What makes our stories different is our voice, characters, and plot points. From the narrative style to the character development to the underlying themes, our paths diverged with each turning page. Had I given in to my doubt, I would have deprived myself of the opportunity to discover the unique magic of my own story and the audience it could potentially reach. This is why it’s important to view a similar title – not as a roadblock – but as an opportunity. That opportunity? Comp titles! 

When readers find a book they love, they often seek out similar stories. Similar ideas mean there’s a thriving market waiting for your story. By identifying comparison titles, you can position your book within an existing market. This not only helps agents and publishers understand where your book fits but also demonstrates that there’s a demand for stories like yours. I mean, how many times have you seen an author pitch their book as “If you liked X, pick this up!” (Scroll through BookTok, and you’ll see this in seconds.) 

So, to all the writers out there wrestling with doubt and uncertainty, I implore you: keep writing. Keep dreaming. Your story is unlike any other, not because it’s entirely original in concept, but because your voice, your passion, and your perspective will bring it to life. Embrace the similarities, but never lose sight of what sets your story apart. Lean into your special magic. Emphasize those unique, underlying twists you’ve created. Elevate your voice. 

The one goal I walked away with after reading a similar title was analyzing my piece for what set it apart, and seeing where I could accentuate those elements. I now have a plan. I’m more excited than before—and I hope you are, too!

You’ve got this.


P.S. I’m teaching a FREE virtual writing workshop tomorrow, Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 7 PM EST via ZOOM: How to Begin and End Chapters Effectively. How do you start chapters? How do you end them? Author Shannon A. Thompson will discuss how you know those points are enough to keep the reader interested. (You do not have to have an Orange County Library card to attend.) Register.

2 thoughts on “Why Similar Ideas Shouldn’t Deter Your Writing Journey

  1. If a writer feels inspired, they definitely should try to tell their story in their own way. I mean, how many versions of King Arthur or Robin Hood have been told? Each has its own merits — and each is considered an original work.

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